
The FILMED webpage is ongoing

You already can visit our webpages at www.uv.es/filmed (a link to the English version is on te main Spanish homepage, clicking on the upper left corner, redirecting you towards http://www.uv.es/filmed/indexengl.htm).

The website gives information on:
-The project proposal and draft. http://www.uv.es/filmed/project.htm
-The research team, with links to open access articles, abastracts or references via Dialnet and Scientific Commons portals: http://www.uv.es/filmed/team.htm
-The 8 species analyzed by the project, including complete sheets on basic information and some pictures on their shape, variability, etc.: http://www.uv.es/filmed/species.htm
-The results -continuously under construction, of course-, which include some basic data on sampling achievements, as well as links to download or ask for the future publications: http://www.uv.es/filmed/results.htm This page will include links to images of some sampled populations, in order to show the extreme variability of habitats and plant characters.
The loading of picts can delay a bit because of the server architecture, please be patient!!!


FILMED sampling is finished

Samples of Arbutus unedo taken in field in Folgoso do Caurelo (Lugo, Spain). © E. Laguna, 2007.

Sampling deadline date is arrived for the FILMED project. During 2007 and 2008, up to 442 populations of the 8 FILMED species -as well as 12 close taxa- in 12 countries have been sampled, picking up leaves to be submitted to microsatelite analyses. The most visited countries have been Spain (185 samples), Italy (36), Greece (35), Argelia (35) and France (33). The most sampled species has been Pîstacia lentiscus (67); only this species has been sampled through the 12 countries: Argelia, Cyprus, France, Greece, Israel, Italy, Lybia, Marocco, Portugal, Spain, Tunisia and Turkey.

FILMED go on working

Specimen of Rosmarinus officinalis from the pink-flowered population of El Viso (Córdoba, Spain), sampled for the project FILMED. © Emilio Laguna, 2007

After more than 1 year without news due to a long convalescence og the blogger, we come back to inform you on the FILMED project. Please be onbline during the next weeks, when we will update the blog and webpage contents.