
The FILMED webpage is ongoing

You already can visit our webpages at www.uv.es/filmed (a link to the English version is on te main Spanish homepage, clicking on the upper left corner, redirecting you towards http://www.uv.es/filmed/indexengl.htm).

The website gives information on:
-The project proposal and draft. http://www.uv.es/filmed/project.htm
-The research team, with links to open access articles, abastracts or references via Dialnet and Scientific Commons portals: http://www.uv.es/filmed/team.htm
-The 8 species analyzed by the project, including complete sheets on basic information and some pictures on their shape, variability, etc.: http://www.uv.es/filmed/species.htm
-The results -continuously under construction, of course-, which include some basic data on sampling achievements, as well as links to download or ask for the future publications: http://www.uv.es/filmed/results.htm This page will include links to images of some sampled populations, in order to show the extreme variability of habitats and plant characters.
The loading of picts can delay a bit because of the server architecture, please be patient!!!